Discovery Before Design – Alliance Before Product

Posted on June 11, 2013 by buzzaz · Leave a comment Product Management is discovery before design, design before alliance, alliance before product, and product before management. We can defer the obvious and go straight for the juice: Starting at Discovery: This is the role of a true product manager, or a curator of anything at all. To discover a useful product, to refine what is sought...


Product Management With Different Thinking

Posted on May 19, 2013 by buzzaz · Leave a comment Thinking different and different thinking are as distinct as nature and nurture. Each affects the other, but is the result of different forces and effects. Thinking different is a choice, a trait that can be gleaned or learned, whereas different thinking is like the difference between the minds of Liberals and Conservatives. Each can hear the other, and...


Time In Perspective – Tragedy and Ecstacy [Poem]

Posted on April 20, 2013 by buzzaz · Leave a comment This realization of truth came when missing my baby sister who I loved andused to teach Math to, after moving to a military boarding school, circa 1987: The Tragedy of Time. The TIME I don‘t have.. the time I don‘t have.. deterring me from love itself, is but the time I don‘t have. What I would do, to be with you – to teach you, guide you, help you through. What...


Revealing What Matters – For Good Effect

Posted on March 16, 2013 by buzzaz · Leave a comment Blogging is a boon for those who wish to curate a presentation of themselves. I use the power of social networking, the presence of numerous identities that are mutually supportive, and a general tendency to say what’s needed, where, when, and in the right measure. A prolific writer, I have managed to keep a few...


How To Be Real – Via Intentions

Posted on February 16, 2013 by buzzaz · Leave a comment I’ve lost many blogs. Who hasn’t? So how do I show off my great work in the past? How do I prove that I’ve been an early adopter, an online presence, and a web-stalwart through the life of this now thriving virtual world? I do so by being authentic, which to me means being true to...


Managing Identity As A Product Of Authenticity

Posted on January 18, 2013 by buzzaz · Leave a comment You meet a great girl, and have a memorable day in the presence of friends. Email addresses exchanged, because the phone number would be too personal. Decent! What to do now..? You walk into an interview, and ace the face-to-face interaction. Done. But where to go from here..? You wish to be considered for a...


My World Is My Own Creation! [Poem]

Posted on November 6, 2007 by buzzaz · 1 Comment “The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams.” ~ Elanore Roosevelt.  | ~ This poem on the beauty of my own dreams is shared openly as a gift [CC] AZ Zaidi 2007 ~ | I love to think of me as I am..a thought – yet realizing itself.~I always see myself as I envision..a reality coming about in good time.~Altering...